About the Color Selector

Use the Color Selector to:

  • Define a set of colors for a Theme.
  • Apply colors to design elements within CSM (ex: Dashboards, Portal sites, Forms, etc.).
  • Select color values for use in Stored Values and Expressions.

In general, the Color Selector can be used to select colors for:

Colors can be solid or contain gradients, transparent, or conditional (Expression-driven) and are categorized as follows (represented as tabs in the Color Selector):

  • CSM Theme:

    All colors defined for the selected CSM Theme. The different elements on a Dashboard, Form, or Portal site (ex: Dashboard background color, Form Control text colors, Portal banner colors, etc.) have defined colors based on a Theme. We recommend always using Theme colors when available to give a cohesive look. However, you can apply non-Theme colors (System, Web, or Custom) if needed. If you apply non-Theme colors to elements within CSM, they will not change to another Theme color if you apply a different Theme.

  • System:

    Set of colors provided by your Operating System. System colors can greatly vary depending on the Operating System and browser used to view the color.

  • Web:

    Set of named Web-safe colors.

  • Custom:

    Customized Red, Green, Blue (RGB) colors.

    Available color categories vary depending on the location from which the Color Selector is accessed (ex: Theme colors are only available for Dashboards, Forms, and Portal sites).