Set/Reset a Theme for a View

Use the Set Theme for View option in the Theme Manager to set or reset a Global Theme for selected items (Dashboards and/or Forms) in a selected View. When setting/reseting a Global Theme, select:

  • View: View for which to reset the Global Theme.
  • Theme to Use: Theme to push out to all selected items (Dashboards and/or Forms).
  • Change Theme On: Whether or not to push out the Theme to all Dashboards and/or Forms in that View. For example, maybe to reset all Dashboards to a new Theme, but Forms should retain their existing Theme.

To set/reset a Theme for a View:

  1. Open the Theme Manager in CSM Administrator:
    1. In the CSM Administrator main window, click the Blueprints category, and then click the Create a New Blueprint task.

      The Blueprint Editor opens, showing the Object Manager in its Main Pane. The Object Manager lists the existing Business Objects.

    2. From the CSM Administrator Menu bar, click Managers>Theme Manager.
  2. From the Theme Manager Menu bar, click Themes>Set Theme from View.

    The Set Theme for View window opens.

  3. Define the following:
    1. View: Select the View for which to reset the Global Theme (example: Default or Portal).
    2. Theme to Use: Select the Theme to push out to all selected items (Dashboards and/or Forms).
    3. Change Theme On: Select the check box to push out the Theme to the selected item (Dashboard and/or Form) in that View.
  4. Select OK.