Administrative Command-Line Options

Use the Administrative command-line to launch CSM Administrator and automatically execute instructions or commands. Administrative command-line options can launch programs more quickly, use less system resources, and perform tasks more efficiently.

To use the Administrative command-line options, execute CSM Administrator with arguments.

When launching CSM Administrator, the actual application to run is called Trebuchet.Admin.exe (Trebuchet is the internal library name for the CSM application). This is usually found in the directory C:\Program Files\Cherwell Service Management.

Arguments can either be prefixed with a forward slash or with a dash, so /? and -? are equivalent.
In the following examples, square brackets (example: [Common]) denote placeholder variables for customer data. Replace these variables, including the brackets, with your own values.

General Settings

Option Description
/? This is the help option and it provides a display of the supported CSM Administrative command-line options.
/c This is the connection to use. To use a common connection (a connection that is available to all Users of the machine), prefix the connection with [Common]. To use a connection that is associated with the current User, prefix the connection with [User]. When using the interactive dialog, [Common] connections are on the All Users tab, while [User] connections are on the tab named for the current User.
/u This is the User ID to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled (instead of Windows or LDAP).
/p This is the password to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled (instead of Windows or LDAP).
Putting a password into a shortcut is a potential security issue, since other Users are able to edit the properties of the shortcut and read the password.
/l or /r This is the culture override. Example language culture pairs are: de-DE (German), fr-FR (French), and pt-BR (Portuguese). Use /l to set the culture for content strings; use /r to set the culture for platform strings. For more information, see String Types.

System Backup

Option Description
/b [path and file] This is the path and file name that the back up should go to. If the extension is a .car, then the backup is an uncompressed archive. If the extension is a .czar, or not included, the backup is compressed in a .czar file format.
/r [rollover option] These are the rollover options. To have the file name automatically have date/time information be appended, use this optional argument. If used with /b, it causes the date/time information to be appended to the file name. The options are:
  • Unmodified: No value is appended.
  • Current: The current date and time is appended.
  • Nightly: The current date is appended.
  • Weekly: The day of the week is appended.
  • Monthly: The day of the month is appended.
  • Yearly: The month and day of the month is appended.
/c This is the connection to use. To use a common connection (a connection that is available to all Users of the machine), prefix the connection with [Common]. To use a connection that is associated with the current User, prefix the connection with [User]. When using the interactive dialog, [Common] connections are on the All Users tab, while [User] connections are on the tab named for the current User.
/u This is the User ID to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled (instead of Windows or LDAP).
/p This is the password to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled (instead of Windows or LDAP).
Putting a password into a shortcut is a potential security issue, since other Users are able to edit the properties of the shortcut and read the password.

There are times when there is no need to use the CSM Scheduler to do backups, there is a preference to use a different scheduler, or Users would like the backup to be done on a system that does not have the scheduler running. This is common when installed in a SaaS environment.

The format for backing up CSM is:

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /c "C:\..." /u User ID/p password /b [path and file] /r ["rollover option"]

The connection, User ID, and password work the same as for any other application.

Logging Authentication Information

Option Description
/la logfile This specifies the path and file name where authentication information should be logged (must also be enabled in Security Settings).

System Maintenance

Option Description
/db This is a comma-delimited list of which database maintenance operations to run. The options are:
  • RebuildSystemTableIndexes: Rebuilds indexes of all system database tables.
  • RebuildFullTextCatalog: Rebuilds the Full-Text Search catalog.
  • RebuildAllBusObIndexes: Rebuilds indexes of all business object tables.
  • RefreshQueueStatus: Updates the queue status data.
  • ShrinkDatabaseLog: Reduces the size of the database log.
  • RemoveUnusedAuthRecords: Clears up obsolete authorization data.

The format for system maintenance is:

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /c "[Common]connection name" /u User ID/p password /db delimited-list-of-options

As an example, to rebuild the full text catalog and refresh queue status, execute the following command (all on one line):

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /c "[Common]Cherwell Browser" /u Henri /p password /db RebuildFullTextCatalog,RefreshQueueStatus

Export a .czar