CSM Command-Line Options

There are situations where it is useful to launch CSM and have it automatically execute an instruction. For example, a third-party tool might launch the CSM application to have the User taken to a specific Incident record, or an Administrator might want to automatically execute a system backup. CSM supports a number of command-line options for making this possible.

The following command-line options are available: CSM Client, CSM Configuration, Administrative, and System Restore.

A command also allows a hyperlink to be created in an e-mail that, when clicked, launches the CSM application and executes an instruction. For this to work, CSM must be installed on the machine.

In both cases (command-line or hyperlink) if CSM is already running, the command is still executed, without relaunching the application or requiring the User to log in again. CSM executes the command in a separate console window and will not interfere with any CSM windows/applications running.