Find Your Trusted Agents Hub URL and Shared Key

Each Trusted Agents Server must use the same Hub URL and shared key set in the Trusted Agents Hub. There are various ways to find your Hub URL and shared key.

Use one of these options to find your shared key:

  • Cherwell provides the shared key to SaaS customers when a Trusted Agents Hub is provisioned. Locate the communication from Cherwell to find the Hub URL and shared key.
  • If Trusted Agents are already configured and you need the key to configure an additional Trusted Agents Service, open CSM Administrator, and then select the Trusted Agents category. Select the Edit Trusted Agents Hub Settings task to see the Hub URL and the shared key for your system.
  • On-premises customers can find the shared key in the Trusted Agents Hub on the server that hosts the CSM Browser Client. For more information, see Configure the Trusted Agents Hub in the Server Manager.