Configure the Trusted Agents Hub in the Server Manager

The Trusted Agents Hub is configured in the Cherwell Server Manager on the same machine running the CSM Browser Client. If you are using a server farm, you must install the Trusted Agents Hub on each server.

Cherwell performs this task for SaaS customers.

To configure the Trusted Agents Hub:

  1. On the machine running the CSM Browser Client, go to Start>All Programs>Cherwell Service Management>Tools>Server Manager to open the Cherwell Server Manager.
  2. Select the Configure button next to Trusted Agents usage.
  3. On the Trusted Agents Hub Configuration dialog, select the Enable Trusted Agents check box.
  4. In the Hub URL box, provide the address that is used to connect to the Hub from other Cherwell servers and services. This is typically the same URL that is used to access the CSM Browser Client (https://server name/CherwellClient).
  5. In the Shared Key box, provide the key that will be used in each Trusted Agents Server configuration. This key is used to ensure that only properly configured Trusted Agents are permitted to connect to the Hub. Each CSM system should have a unique Shared Key.
  6. Select Generate Key to generate a secure shared key. You can create your own Shared Key, but the key generation tool provides a simple way to generate a unique key.
  7. Select Test to verify connection information.
  8. Set timeout settings:
    Option Description
    Agent Operation Timeout Specify the amount of time the Trusted Agents Hub waits for an operation to complete, send data back, or how long an operation takes to send a progress update before timing out. The default setting is 30 seconds.
    Use -1 to disable timeouts.
    Agent Registration Timeout Specify the amount of time the Trusted Agents Hub waits for a ping from the Trusted Agent before it assumes the Trusted Agent is down. The default setting is 180 seconds.
    This setting should never be lower than the Hub Ping Frequency set for each Trusted Agents Server. The default for the Hub Ping Frequency is 20 seconds.
  9. Select OK.
  10. Restart all Cherwell services and Internet Information Services (IIS).