Using Trusted Agents with Email

Use Trusted Agents to process CSM emails from a server on a remote network.

To use Trusted Agents with email, you must first configure Trusted Agents. For more information, see Configuring Trusted Agents.

Using Trusted Agents with email will increase e-mail processing time.

To configure an email account to use Trusted Agents:

  1. In CSM Administrator, select the Email and Event Monitoring category.
  2. Select the Edit email accounts and settings task.
  3. Select the email account you wish to configure, and then select the Edit button.
  4. On the Email Options dialog, select the Trusted Agents page.
  5. Select the Use Trusted Agents checkbox, then select a Trusted Agent Group, or select Any Trusted Agent Group to allow any group to handle email requests.
    When using Trusted Agents, outgoing email messages will always be sent from the Server, not the Client. This setting (viewable in the From Settings page) will be changed automatically.