CSM Supporting Applications

Most Supporting applications can be accessed from the Cherwell Service Management installation directory. Exceptions include Supporting Web Applications (example: Service Monitor), which are accessed via a web browser.

The CSM suite includes the following Supporting applications:

  • Dashboard Viewer: The Dashboard Viewer is a stand-alone tool that displays a single CSM Dashboard or cycles through a group of Dashboards (called a Slideshow) without consuming a license.
  • Report Runner: The Report Runner is a stand-alone tool that allows Users to create and run Reports using CSM data without consuming a license.
  • Auto-Deploy: Auto-Deploy is an installation tool that allows system administrators to automatically distribute preconfigured Client installations and connections to client machines. Auto-Deploy is configured using the stand-alone Auto-Deploy Configuration Utility and is deployed using the Auto-Deploy web page.
  • Server Manager: The Server Manager is a stand-alone tool that allows system administrators to efficiently monitor, manage (start, stop, or restart), and configure (database connections, login authentication, logging, etc.) the CSM services, and restart some managed CSM Web Applications.
  • Service Monitor: The Service Monitor is a stand-alone Web Application that allows system administrators to remotely monitor and manage (start, stop, and restart) CSM services and Web Applications and restart IIS, using a browser and an IIS-hosted web page. Service Monitor is installed using a stand-alone installer and is deployed using the Service Monitor web page.
  • System Restore: The System Restore tool is a stand-alone database tool that allows a system administrator to import the CSM Database for the first time or reload the CSM Database from an archive file (.czar file).
  • System Upgrade: The System Upgrade tool is a stand-alone database tool that allows a system administrator to upgrade a CSM Database to a new version.
  • Test LDAP Tool: Test LDAP is a stand-alone diagnostics tool that allows system administrators to test their LDAP settings.
  • Outlook® Add-In: The CSM Outlook® Add-In is a CSM client that enables you to interact with CSM Business Object Records directly from within Microsoft® Outlook®.