About the Service Monitor

The Service Monitor is a stand-alone Web Application that allows system administrators to remotely monitor and manage CSM services and Web Applications and to restart IIS. The Service Monitor is installed using a stand-alone installer and is deployed using the Service Monitor web page.

Important: The Service Monitor is currently available only for On-Premise Customers and Cherwell Support in order to monitor application performance.

Use the Service Monitor to:

  • Monitor the status (running and stopped) of CSM services and Web Applications.
  • Start, stop, and restart CSM services and Web Applications.
  • Reset IIS.

The Service Monitor is accessed via a web page, allowing you to remotely monitor and manage services. Use the Server Manager, a similar tool, to locally monitor and manage services.

The Service Monitor is comprised of two components:

  • A service-hosted Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): This component improves security by providing each log-in with a new session ID. Along with encryption, this ensures that HTTP messages are not hijacked by a malicious client.
  • An Internet Information Services (IIS)-hosted website: This component allows end Users and administrators to securely manage remote IIS Servers. The URL https://<domain>cherwellservicemonitor/.

Install the Service Monitor using an installation wizard. Use the Rights tab in the Security Group Manager to define a User's access to the Service Monitor. See Define Functionality Security Rights (Access to Functionality).

Note:Cherwell Service behavior and access is established during the installation. For specific control, install the Service Monitor from the Command Line (Advanced Users Only) or edit the Cherwell Monitor config file.