Install the Service Monitor

Use the Service Monitor installer to specify:

  • Server name.
  • Server type.
  • User access.

Contact Cherwell Support to receive the Service Monitor installation file.

Before installing the Service Monitor, the following steps must be completed:

To install the Service Monitor:

  1. Double-click the Cherwell Service Monitor.exe file.

    The Cherwell Service Monitor Wizard opens.

  2. Review the introductory text, and then click Next.

    The License Agreement page opens.

  3. Read the license agreement. The license agreement can also be printed. To accept the license terms, select the I accept the terms in the license agreement check box, and then click Next.

    The Monitor Configuration page opens.

  4. Specify the general server details:
    1. Displayed Name of Server: Use the default name (Cherwell Service Monitor) or provide another name. This is displayed on the Service Monitor web page banner.
    2. Select the type of server to be monitored, either:
      • Production: Select this radio button to install the Service Monitor on a live system used in a production environment.
      • Non-production: Select this radio button to install the Service Monitor on a development or test server.
  5. Select Next.

    The Destination Folder page opens.

  6. Select the folder location to install the Service Monitor installation files. Click Next to accept the default or click Change to browse and select the desired folder location. Using the default installation folder is recommended.
    • On 32-bit machines, CSM files are installed to C:\Program Files\Cherwell Service Management.
    • On 64-bit machines, CSM files are installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Cherwell Service Management.
      Note: Even though CSM files are installed to the (x86) directory, CSM runs as a 64-bit application on 64-bit machines. CSM installs to the x86 directory because Windows installers do not easily support installing applications that are both 32-bit and 64-bit. CSM does not install to C:\Inetpub because IIS removes files in this directory in certain scenarios.
  7. Select Next.

    The Ready to Install the Program page opens.

  8. Click Install.

    When the install is complete, the Install Complete page opens.

  9. Select Finish.