About Portal Actions
CSM provides several customizable Actions that can be added to and executed from the Portal menu bar, a dashboard, or an HTML page.
An Action is an activity that can be initiated manually (from a button, link, menu bar item, or widget) or automatically (from an Automation Process, One-Step™ Action, or Email Monitor) to execute a command (example: Print) or display/run a CSM Item (example: Display a dashboard or run a search).
Examples include:
- Display Create commands for the Business Objects used on the Portal site (example: Create Incident).
- Display common searches (example: Search My Open Incidents).
- Display a Home button on the Portal menu bar to take customers back to the Startup Item.
- Display or run a CSM item (example: Action Catalog, report, document repository).
Some Actions are automatically added to the menu bar when creating a site using the Site Wizard. For example, a menu bar Item can be added for each Business Object associated with the site and a Document Repository Action is added if there is a document repository.
Manually add Actions or edit existing Actions by defining menu bar properties for a site.
- One-Step Action: Runs a
One-Step Action, which runs one or more other Actions:
- Create/update/delete a Business Object.
- Excel merge.
- Execute a command.
- Go to a field.
- Go to a record.
- Go to Action (branching).
- Launch a URL.
- Link/Unlink Business Objects.
- Print.
- Run another One-Step Action.
- Run a program.
- Run a report.
- Send a Tweet.
- Send an email.
- Show a pop-up.
- Step through children.
- Transfer attachments.
- Transfer Related Business Objects.
- Update a variable or stored value.
- Web service call.
- Write to a file.
- Work with a queue.
- Command: Runs a system command applicable to the Portal.
Categories include:
- Managers: Adds a command to launch a CSM Item Manager so that a customer can choose a CSM Item (Action Catalog, dashboard, document repository, One-Step Action, HTML page, report, or search) to open/run (example: Add the Report Manager to the site menu bar so that customers can choose to run an available report). Note: Recent Items lists must be placed inside folders (they cannot be at the top level of the menu bar), and it is recommend that they be placed as the last item in the folder.
- (Other) Business Object Search: Provides common site searches (example: Business Object to search, how the results should be sorted, whether to limit to the current customer, or limit to open or closed records).
- (Other) Create Business Object: Creates a new Business Object (record) but with several powerful options, such as a One-Step Action to run as part of the creation process and whether a custom form should be displayed (which can be different than the supplied form used for viewing a Business Object).
- (Other) Home:
Takes the customer to the Startup Item (example: Dashboard,
HTML page).
Note: This command must be placed in a folder.
- Dashboard: Displays a dashboard.
- Report: Runs a report.
- Search: Runs a saved search.
- Page: Displays an HTML page.
- Doc Repository: Displays a document repository.
- Action Catalog: Displays an Action Catalog (widget).