CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Configure the Browser Connection

Use the Connection Wizard, which is automatically launched by the Installation Wizard during the Portal and Browser App installation, to configure the Browser connection. The Browser connection is a direct-to-database/2-tier connection between the web applications and the CSM database.

Most options are assumed or set by default to assist with decision making. For example, the connection type is assumed to be a direct-to-database connection and the database connection is named Cherwell Browser. Wizard page examples are in Configure the Server Connection.

Important: Using a proxy server during configuration is not supported or recommended. Proxy servers can change request headers and cache information, both of which can cause unknown and unexpected issues with the CSM Web Applications.

To configure the Browser connection:

  1. Open the Connection Wizard in one of the following ways:
    • If installing the Demo or Starter database (new user), the Connection Wizard automatically opens during the installation process.
    • Manually open the Connection Wizard from the Connect to CSM window by selecting the Add button.
      Tip: If the Connection Wizard is manually opened, be sure to name the connection Cherwell Browser.
    • If an existing user already has a CSM connection configured, the Connection Wizard does not appear but instead you are prompted to update your database either during the installation process or on first run of an application if an update is required.
  2. Review the introductory text, and then select Next.
    Note: If the wizard is automatically launched by the Installation Wizard, this window does not appear because CSM already knows that it is a direct-to-database connection.
  3. Select Connect directly to a Cherwell database because this is a direct-to-database/2-tier connection, then select Next.
  4. Specify where to find the CSM database, this is the name of the SQL Server machine where the CSM database was installed, then select Next. For information on the database location options, see CSM Server and Browser Connection Options.
  5. Provide the name and owner of the installed database to connect to. If unsure, leave the default values. Select Next.
    Note: The last page of the wizard enables you to test the database connection.
  6. Specify the Browser App Database Login account credentials that the Browser applications use to log in to the CSM database, then select Next. For more information on the options and requirements for these credentials, see CSM Server and Browser Connection Options.
  7. Select connection pooling and security/failover options, then select Next. For more information on these options, see CSM Server and Browser Connection Options.
  8. Accept the default connection name (Cherwell Browser), provide an optional description for the Browser connection, and then select Next.
    Note: If the default connection name (Cherwell Browser) is not accepted, manually edit configuration files for the Browser applications. For more information, refer to Troubleshoot the Web Applications
  9. Select Test Connection to verify the connection to the database.
    Note: If the test fails, the installation can continue.
  10. Select Finish.

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