CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Configure Delegation Emails for Approvals

Configure emails so that delegates get notified by email when they have been assigned an approval. This ensures that delegates don't miss approvals and can take action with no delays.


  • An approval has been added as a relationship to your Business Object.
  • Approval support has been added for the same Business Object.
  • An Approval Block has been created for your Business Object.
  • Email accounts have been added and configured for the relevant users.

To configure emails for delegates:

  1. In CSM Administrator, select Security and then Edit users.
  2. Add relevant email addresses for the person being asked to approve the request and their delegate who is covering during their absence. See Create a User Profile.
  3. In CSM Administrator, select Blueprints and then Create a New Blueprint.
  4. Select Edit Approvals for your Business Object.
  5. Select the Approvals page and then select Edit to edit your approval block.
  6. In the Approval Block, check that the users, who had their email addresses added in step 2, are in the list on the Approvers page.
  7. Select OK.
  8. In the Edit [Business Object name] Approvals dialog, select the Notify Approver by Email check box below the Approvals list, and then select Edit.
  9. Configure your email contents. See Define an Approval Email
  10. Publish the Blueprint (File > Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes.

    When you then set up a delegate on behalf of another user, the delegate receives an email when their assigning user gets an approval request. The user should be the same person who was added to the Approval Block in step 6, and had their email address added in step 2. See Manage Delegates For Other Users.

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