CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Querying RSS Feeds

When working with CSM RSS Feeds, Users can query data using two types of searches:

  • Stored Query: Use this option to run a search using a scope to return all results within that scope.
  • Full-Text Search: Use this option to run a search using a term and return all results that include that term.

Stored Query Search

To receive results from a Stored Query search, provide four pieces of information on the query string:

Parameter Description Command
bo parameter Search via the Business Object by providing the name. bo=Incident
t parameter Indicate to receive results from a query search. t=SQ or t=StoredQuery
q parameter

Specify the name of the query (this must be URL encoded to be legal).

Note: The Stored Query is actually the default option. There is an option to exclude this parameter altogether.

s parameter Specify the scope of the query. s=User

The scope can be Global or User. Global is the default if no scope is provided. Here is a full URL for a Global Incident Saved Search called Open Incidents:

http://MyServer/CherwellService/rss.xml?u=Henri&p=password&bo=Incident&t=SQ& q=Open%20Incidents&s=Global

Note: In the real query string, the URL must be on a single line without spaces.

The defaults allow the string to be shortened to:

http://MyServer/CherwellService/rss.xml?u=Henri&p=password&bo=Incident& q=Open%20Incidents

Full-Text Search

As well as running a named search, a search term can be provided against a particular Business Object and all records that contain that term are returned. To do this, provide three pieces of information:

Parameter Description Command
bo parameter Search via the Business Object by providing the name. bo=Incident
t parameter Indicate to run a Full-Text Query and receive results from a Full-Text Search. t=FT or t=FullTex
q parameter Provide the search term to base the query off of. q=e-mail

Put together, the string looks like:

http://MyServer/CherwellService/rss.xml?u=Henri&p=password&bo=Incident&t=FT& q=e-mail

Note: In the real query string, the URL must be on a single line without spaces.

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