CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


URLs for RSS Feeds

To read the content of an RSS Feed, provide an appropriate URL to the reader. For example:


The first portion of the URL is the address for all RSS Feeds:


Use https if the server is appropriately configured for SSL. MyServer should be replaced with the address of the Cherwell Server.

After the address, the rest of the URL (the query string) provides details on the account to use and the data to retrieve. Query strings are a standard web mechanism for providing arguments as part of a URL. To specify query string arguments, there must first be a question mark (?) after the main address, followed by value pairs. The argument name is bo (short for Business Object) and the argument value is Incident. It is very common for argument names to be only one or two characters long to avoid running into length limits. For example:


With the entire URL, it would look like this:


Note: The question mark should be in front of the first value pair.

To add multiple values, add an ampersand (&) between each value pair:


Here is the full query:


Certain characters are not allowed in query strings. Use a simple web search for assistance to find how to encode other characters. Some examples are:

  • Spaces are not allowed, along with most punctuation. To get around this limitation, the query string must be URL Encoded to replace illegal characters.
  • Spaces should be replaced with the sequence "%20" – which indicates the code for a space:


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