CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


About Themes

Use Themes to define a settings for different elements on a Dashboard, Form, Action Catalog, or Portal site, such as Dashboard background color, Form Control text colors, and Portal banner colors.

When a Theme is applied to a Dashboard, Form, Action Catalog, or Portal site, all applicable elements inherit those properties.

Each user also has a default Dashboard Theme (for more information, see Dashboard Themes). The default Dashboard Theme is initially selected in CSM Administrator, either:

If users have security rights, they can select default user Dashboards and Dashboard Themes in the CSM Desktop Client. A Dashboard can also be defined to use its own Theme. For more information, see:

CSM provides several OOTB Themes. Use these OOTB Themes as-is, edit them, or create them using the Theme Manager and the Theme Editor.

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