CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Configure the Data Source for Web-Forms

Use the web.config file to customize the data source connection.

Note: By default, the data source for Cherwell Web-Forms™ is set to the "Cherwell Browser" database connection.

To customize the data source connection:

  1. Open the Web-Forms web.config file in an XML Editor (C:\Program Files\Cherwell Browser Applications\CherwellWebForms).
  2. Locate the following line of code:
    <add key="TrebuchetDataSource" value="[Common]Cherwell Browser"/>
  3. Provide a new value.
  4. Save the web.config file.

Good to Know

  • There are several web.config files used by CSM.
  • When an application starts, the web.config file is backed up in a separate folder.
  • Content of the web.config files is retained during both upgrade and reinstallation, so any changes you make to web.config files are preserved.

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