CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Configure Web-Forms

Cherwell Web-Forms™ are a browser-based application that allow users to enter, view, and edit CSM Business Objects without having to log in.

CSM provides Cherwell Web-Forms with limited default settings. However, the following settings should be modified in the web.config file to fit your system settings:
  • Data source: Defines the CSM data connection to use for Web-Forms (example: Cherwell Browser).
  • Login account: Defines login access to Web-Forms.
  • Display text: Customizes text at the top of the Web-Form for viewing, adding, and editing a Business Object.
  • Return to Home Page link: Sets the home page URL.
  • Banner: Choose whether or not to display a banner.

Web-Forms web.config File

The Web-Forms web.config file is an XML file stored in the following default directory on the server where CSM Web Applications are installed:

                                ...\Cherwell Browser Applications\CherwellWebForms 
To modify the default settings and configurations, modify the
section of the code using any XML editor.
Tip: Save a copy of the web.config file before editing.
An example of the lines of code:
<?xml version="1.0"?><configuration>	<!-- For AJAX -->	<!-- End For AJAX -->	<appSettings>		<add key="LoginName" value=""/>		<add key="LoginPassword" value=""/>		<add key="BusObName" value="Incident Follow Up"/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_ViewName" value=""/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_TextAtTop_New" value=""/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_TextAtTop_Edit" value="You can make changes to your incident survey"/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_TextAtTop_View" value="Thank you for filling in this incident survey"/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_GoBackLink" value="Go to Cherwell Software"/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_GoBackURL" value="http://www.CherwellSoftware.com"/>		<add key="SubmitRedirect" value="http://www.CherwellSoftware.com"/>		<add key="SaveRedirect" value="http://www.CherwellSoftware.com"/>		<add key="AbandonRedirect" value="http://www.CherwellSoftware.com"/>		<add key="ShowBanner" value="true"/>		<add key="DefaultActionObject" value="MyBusOb"/>		<add key="TrebuchetDataSource" value="[Common]Cherwell Browser"/>	</appSettings>

Good to Know

  • There are several web.config files used by CSM.
  • When an application starts, the web.config file is backed up in a separate folder.
  • Content of the web.config files is retained during both upgrade and reinstallation, so any changes you make to web.config files are preserved.

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