CSM 10.4 Documentation


Define On Call Groups

Use Table Management in the CSM Desktop Client to define On Call groups for the On Call mApp Solution.

Note: This functionality is only available if you have applied the On Call mApp Solution. For more information, refer to the mApp Solution Tech Notes documentation.

To define On Call groups:

  1. Open the Table Management interface.
  2. In the Type drop-down, select On Call Groups.

    The On Call Groups Grid opens.

  3. On the CSM Desktop Client toolbar, click the New button New On Call Button.

    A new On Call Group Form opens.

    On Call Group Form

  4. Complete the Form:
    1. On Call Group Name: Provide a name for the group (example: Rotation A)
    2. Tier 1 Individual: Select a User from the drop-down (example: Andrew). This User receives the first notification e-mail when an Incident is created.
    3. E-Mail: Auto-populates based on the Tier 1 Individual's User record (example: [email protected]).
    4. Escalate After [number] minutes: Specify the number of minutes that pass before the Incident is escalated to the Tier 2 Individual (example: 30).
    5. Tier 2 Individual: Select a User from the drop-down (example: Henri). This User receives a notification e-mail if the Tier 1 Individual does not respond within the defined timeframe.
    6. E-Mail: Auto-populates based on the Tier 2 Individual's User record (example: [email protected]).
    7. Escalate After [number] minutes: Specify the number of minutes that pass before the Incident is escalated to the Tier 3 Individual (example: 45).
    8. Tier 3 Individual: Select a User from the drop-down (example: Sherri). This User receives a notification e-mail if the Tier 2 Individual does not respond within the defined timeframe.
    9. E-Mail: Autopopulates based on the Tier 3 Individual's User record (example: [email protected]).
    10. Repeat Escalation after [number] minutes: Specify the number of minutes that pass before the Incident escalation repeats (example: 15).
  5. Click SaveSave Button.

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