CSM 10.4 Documentation


Report Alternatives

In addition to Reports, CSM provides a variety of tools to help summarize data and analyze metrics. These tools include:

  1. Dashboards/Widgets: Dashboards can display summary information through data-driven Widgets (such as Chart, Gauge, and Matrix Widgets).
    1. See Dashboards for more information on creating and using Dashboards.
    2. See Dashboard Drill-Down for more information on accessing the information displayed in specific Widgets, and Using Grids for information on printing and exporting this data.
  2. Search Groups: Saved Searches can be used to locate one or more records that meet specific criteria.
    1. See Using Grids for information on sorting, filtering, and grouping the results, as well as printing and exporting this data.
  3. Visualizations: Visualizations can be used to view, print, or export the relationships between Configuration Items (CIs), personnel, and other related records.
  4. Exported Grids: You can export Grids that contain various types of data to multiple formats, such as .csv and Excel.

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