About Users
A user is a service desk professional who logs in and uses CSM to manage service desk data (example: A technician, manager, designer, system administrator, etc.).
A user is assigned to only one Security Group (so they can access specific functionality and data), can log in using one or more Roles (so they can have a personal viewing environment), and can belong to one or more Teams (so they can share CSM items, such as Dashboards).
Although a User can belong to one or more Teams, they must have a default team assigned. To add a User to a Team, see Create a User Profile.
Each User has a User Profile that stores the pertinent details and properties for that User, including:
- Login credentials: Username and password, and authentication method
- Culture settings
- User information: Name, department, title, manager, and other contact information
The User Information fields are configurable and are stored in the User Info Business Object.
- Account details: Password resets, reserved licenses, and other account details
- Assigned Security Group
- Assigned Teams
User Profiles are managed (created, viewed, imported, deleted) as part of Security in CSM Administrator using the User Manager. For more information, see View User Accounts.
A User often functions as both a User and a Customer in CSM. For example, a service desk technician performs User functions but is a Customer of the HR Department. If the User is also a Customer, he/she must have a User Profile AND a Customer record. A Customer record does NOT store account credentials, so any Customer requiring a Portal login must also have Portal credentials. For more information, see Create Portal Login Credentials (for a Customer).