Browser Client Toolbars

Browser Client toolbars are available when you are viewing records or dashboards.

Dashboard Theme Toolbar

The Dashboard Theme toolbar allows you to select a dashboard theme and refresh the current dashboard.

Browser Client Dashboard Theme Options

Button Action Description
Browser Client Theme Selector Select a Theme Applies a new theme to the current dashboard.
Refresh Refresh the Dashboard Refreshes the current dashboard.

Record Toolbar

The Record toolbar provides actions you can perform when viewing records.

Browser Client Record Toolbar

Action Description
Save Saves changes in the active window.
Cancel Cancels changes to the current record.
Refresh Refreshes the data for the current record.
Delete Deletes the current record.
Legal values Displays a list of legal values (for lookup fields only).

Locked by [user]

The record is unlocked.

The record is locked by [user].


Attach (Import) Files to a Record.

Go to first record Navigate to the first record.
Go to previous record Navigate to the previous record.
Go to next record Navigate to the next record.
Go to last record Navigate to the last record.
Not queued

Add to queue

On [queue]

Check out

Check in

Remove from queue

The current record is not in a queue.

Add the current record to a queue.

The current record is added to [queue].

Check the current record out of the queue.

Check the current record back into the queue.

Remove the current record from the queue.

Current record View the current record.
List View records in a list.
Grid View records in a grid.