Cisco Call Manager Integration


Cisco Call Manager provides services such as session management, voice, video, messaging, mobility, and web conferencing. CSM integrates with Cisco Call Manager to provide additional telephony services, such as:

  • Screen pop-ups of CSM Customer Records when an incoming call is received. The telephony client launches CSM and passes matching Automatic Number Identification (ANI) from a command line so that a CSM Customer Record can be opened on the computer screen.
  • Click-to-dial for outgoing calls. A CSMOne-Step Action passes the Customer phone number from a Customer Record to the telephony client.

    CSM integrates only with Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI)-compliant telephony clients. (The TAPI is a Microsoft Windows API that provides Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) and enables PCs running Microsoft Windows to use telephone services.)

Related Reading

Steps to Integrate

  1. Connect CSM to Cisco Call Manager using the command line. In the example, the Customer is the Cherwell Business Object to search and the number is the ANI (caller information) as passed by Cisco Call Manager.

    Ex. "C:\Program Files (x86)\CherwellSoftware\CherwellService Management\Trebuchet.App.exe"/S customer 3035555555 OR


    The command executed must be able to access and run the Desktop Client application from the application's installed directory.

    The Customer phone number without formatting needs to be in a field with Full-Text Search enabled.

  2. Create a Blueprint.
  3. Edit the Customer Record by adding a new field. The new field should have the following attributes:

    This field does not need to be added to the form.

    The OOTB content sets up the next steps automatically. If using a CSM version before 5.0, then follow these steps to create a field with the phone number without formatting. The field must also be in the Full-Text Index.

    • Name: ShortPhone (This is an example, any name can be used.)
    • Type: Text
    • Length: 15
    • Full Text Search enabled.
  4. Edit the field properties and enable the calculated feature and the field is calculated by a text-base Expression. In the example, the ShortPhone field is calculated by the ShortPhone Expression. The short phone field is calculated from the phone field in an Expression.
  5. Add Modifiers to the Expression to Remove (-).
  6. Create a One-Step Action to remove the Phone field, remove and extra text, and populate the field.
    1. In Desktop Client, go to the Customer menu.
    2. Select Contact Manager.
    3. Change the Customer Type to show the desired Customer Group.
    4. Go to the Search tab and click Go.

      A list of all Customer Records in the Customer Group open.

    5. Go to the One-Step Action menu and select One-Step Manager.
    6. Click the Customer Type desired and click New.
    7. In the Name field, type the name for the new One-Step Action.
    8. Click Add and select Update a Business Object.

      The Update Business Object Step window opens.

    9. From the Contact fields list, select the Short Phone field.
    10. Select the Template radio button.
    11. Right-click the Template text field.
    12. Select Phone.
    13. In the Template field, right-click and select Modifiers.
    14. Create a new Modifier for each possible text in the Phone field.

      Examples: (,), -, X, *. For spaces, use the Remove white-space Modifier.

    15. Click OK in each window until returned to the One-Step Action Manager.
  7. Right-click the newly created One-Step Action.
  8. Select Run for Group. This runs the One-Step Action against the entire Customer Group that was chosen and populates the phone number without text or spaces.
  9. Contact Cisco Call Manager to ensure commands are working within CSM.