Cannot Complete AWS Provision Form
If users cannot successfully complete the form, this topic aims to help you troubleshoot potential issues.
You can make a request to provision an AWS product from either the CSM Portal or the Browser Client. Once you make the request, it must be submitted for approval. After it's approved, the provision product call is made to the AWS API using the key credentials you added to the AWS Account table, and provided access to via the AWS Portfolio table.
- Problem: Cannot see field drop-down menus to select the AWS Account.
Solution: If you see something like the image here, you likely need to set appropriate permissions for your portal customer security groups, as described in this topic: Configure Security Groups for the AWS mApp Solution. - Problem: Cannot see available accounts in the AWS Account drop-down menu.
Solution: To resolve the issue shown here, check through these configuration steps:
- Ensure that there are valid portfolios in the AWS Portfolio table, as described in Add Departments to the AWS Portfolio Supporting Object. The Portfolio ID and Portfolio Name should exactly match the Portfolio ID and Name in your AWS account.
- Confirm that the user who is attempting the request in the CSM Portal belongs to a department that is linked to a valid portfolio within the account. For more information on this configuration, see: Grant AWS Account Access to CSM Users.
- Problem: Nothing happens after selecting Request AWS Products.
Solution: If your API call to request products is successful, you will see a prompt like this one:
If you select Request AWS Products and nothing appears to happen, likely one of your calls to the AWS API has failed. There are several common reasons for this failure; check the following configuration steps:
- Ensure that the account whose AWS keypair you are using for the calls has appropriate permissions to see items in the AWS Portfolio, as described in Configure AWS IAM for CSM.
- Each of the API call Action Blocks has a Debug parameter. When enabled, these turn on a series of pop-up windows that give you more information about the API call responses. To get more insight into this problem, turn on debugging for the Request ProductOne-Step Action, located at (Incident)Global > Integrations > AWS.
- To turn on One-Step Action debugging in the CSM Desktop Client or Browser Client, open the One-Step Action.
- Select the One-Step Action and select Parameters. Select the Debug parameter and enter a value of TRUE.
- Save the One-Step Action and try your request again. You should now see additional pop-up windows that indicate the response to your API call, similar to the one shown here:
CSM Portal
CSM Portal or Browser Client