Define On Call Groups
Use Table Management in the CSM Desktop Client to define On Call groups for the On Call mApp Solution.
This functionality is only available if you have applied the On Call mApp Solution. For more information, refer to the mApp Solution Tech Notes documentation.
To define On Call groups:
- Open the Table Management interface.
- In the Type drop-down, select On Call Groups.
The On Call Groups Grid opens.
- On the CSM Desktop Client toolbar, click the New button .
A new On Call Group Form opens.
- Complete the Form:
- On Call Group Name: Provide a name for the group (example: Rotation A)
- Tier 1 Individual: Select a User from the drop-down (example: Andrew). This User receives the first notification e-mail when an Incident is created.
- E-Mail: Auto-populates based on the Tier 1 Individual's User record (example: [email protected]).
- Escalate After [number] minutes: Specify the number of minutes that pass before the Incident is escalated to the Tier 2 Individual (example: 30).
- Tier 2 Individual: Select a User from the drop-down (example: Henri). This User receives a notification e-mail if the Tier 1 Individual does not respond within the defined timeframe.
- E-Mail: Auto-populates based on the Tier 2 Individual's User record (example: [email protected]).
- Escalate After [number] minutes: Specify the number of minutes that pass before the Incident is escalated to the Tier 3 Individual (example: 45).
- Tier 3 Individual: Select a User from the drop-down (example: Sherri). This User receives a notification e-mail if the Tier 2 Individual does not respond within the defined timeframe.
- E-Mail: Autopopulates based on the Tier 3 Individual's User record (example: [email protected]).
- Repeat Escalation after [number] minutes: Specify the number of minutes that pass before the Incident escalation repeats (example: 15).
- Click Save.