Define vRealize® Blueprints and Actions

Use Table Management in the CSM Desktop Client to define imported vRealize® blueprints and actions. When you define the blueprint, you provide midpoint values and have the option to provide a description. When you define the actions, you must select the Request Action One-Step for each VM Action record; the One-Step Action determines the appropriate second day action by using JSON to send the action ID to vRealize® and then interpreting and executing the JSON when it returns from vRealize®.

This functionality is only available if you have applied the Orchestration Pack for VMWare vRealize® Automation™. For more information, refer to the mApp Solution Tech Notes documentation.

To define mApp Solution blueprints and actions:

  1. Open the Table Management interface.
  2. In the Type drop-down, select VM Blueprint.
  3. In the Grid, select a blueprint.

    A VM Purpose form opens. The following information is auto-populated based on the imported vRealize® blueprint: VM Blueprint, Blueprint available to the following Departments, Minimum size specifications, Mid size specifications, and Maximum size specifications.

    vRealize Blueprint Lookup Table

    1. Provide midpoint values (CPUs, Memory, Storage Capacity).
    2. (Optional) Provide a blueprint description.
    3. Click Save.
  4. In the Type drop-down, select VM Action.
  5. In the Grid, select an action.

    A VM Action form opens.

    vRealize Action Lookup Table

    1. Click the Choose One-Step button.
    2. In theOne-Step Action Actions tree, click Global>vRealize.
    3. Click the Request ActionOne-Step Action.
    4. Click Save.

      The Request Action One-Step Action must be selected for each VM Action record.

  6. Close the Table Management interface.