Update API Information

If the Client ID or Client Secret changes in Ivanti Neurons for Discovery, you need to change and encrypt the values in CSM to match.

To update API information in CSM:

  1. In CSM Administrator, create a new Blueprint.
  2. Open the Stored Value Manager.
    1. In the Stored Values file tree, expand the Blueprint folder, and then select the Neurons for Discovery folder.
    2. Edit the Client ID or Client Secret Stored Values.
      When you edit, the value shown is encrypted.
  3. Publish the Blueprint.
    1. In the Publish Options window, select the Run a One-Step checkbox.
    2. Select the ellipsis.
    3. In the Association drop-down list, select None.
    4. Double-click the Blueprint folder, and then select the Encrypt Client ID and Secret One-Step™ Action.
    5. Select OK.
  4. Select Publish.