Ivanti Neurons for Facilities 2021.4

Ivanti Neurons for Facilities allows users to easily incorporate facilities functionality into their existing Neurons systems.

Platform version requirements: Tested on CSM 10.2.2; not compatible on platform versions earlier than CSM 10.2.1.

Content version requirements: Tested on 10.2.2 Ivanti ESM .czar. Ivanti Neurons for Facilities has not been tested on a 10.2.1 OOTB .czar or older content versions, but be sure to test it on your customized system for compatibility.

Prerequisites: This solution is designed to work with the Ivanti Neurons Base .czar. See Ivanti Neurons Base Czar.

Available languages: English.

Ivanti Neurons for Facilities includes the following items for downloading:

  • Ivanti Neurons for Facilities.mApp


Use Ivanti Neurons for Facilities to provide robust functionality for the input and management of facilities-related Work Orders and associated activities. Customers can initiate Work Orders through a self-service Portal and track the status of their requests. Facilities departments can save time by scheduling recurring maintenance activities that automatically generate Work Orders at the appropriate frequency. Persona-driven dashboards provide valuable insights into the overall facilities operation.

Apply Ivanti Neurons for Facilities

Follow these steps to download, apply, and configure:

  1. Extract the .zip file to a location that can be accessed by CSM.
  2. Use the Apply mApp Wizard in CSM Administrator to apply the .mApp file. Select the topic that matches your version of CSM. Do not select Finish yet.
  3. When you reach the Final Options window, select Open a Blueprint so that I can preview the changes, and then select Finish.
  4. When the Blueprint opens, select File > Blueprint changes.
  5. In the list of Business Objects, expand Work Order so you can see the associated forms.
  6. Save the Blueprint.

Revision History

Version Platform Version Requirements Content Version Requirements Prerequisites
2021.4 10.2.2 10.2.2 Ivanti ESM .czar None
2021.3 10.2.1 10.2.1 Ivanti ESM .czar None