Configure Global Display Settings
Use the Display page in the System Settings dialog to configure global display settings for the CSM Desktop Client. Global display settings are configured in CSM Administrator > System Settings > Display.
Application Skin
Select a default application skin from the Skin list to control the appearance of the Desktop Client and CSM Administrator. Options are Cherwell Light (default), Cherwell Blue, or Cherwell Dark.
The skin selected affects all users by default. However, users can change the application skin in the Desktop Client, which only affects their personal interface.
You may need to close and reopen the CSM Administrator for this change to take effect.
Title Bar Info
To configure window title settings, select the Display connection information check box, then select an option from the drop-down list. The available window title types are:
- Connection name: Displays as <connection name> connection.
- Database name: Displays as <database name> database.
- Environment name: Displays as <environment name> environment (Production, Development, or Test).
- Connection and database name: Displays as <connection name> connection, <database name> database.
- Connection and environment name: Displays as <connection name>, <environment> name.
- Database and environment name: Displays as <database name> database, <connection name> connection name.
Connection, database, and environment: Displays as <connection name> connection, <database name> database, <environment name> environment.
If no environment value is selected, the content displays as Unknown environment.
This setting applies to the current database only. If the user has set the window title to a different setting in the Desktop Client, that setting will override this one.
Web Appearance
You can choose to display form controls with right-angled or rounded corners.