Start/Stop/Restart a CSM Server, or Restart a Web Application from the Server Manager
Use the Server Manager to stop, start, or restart CSM services and CSM Web Applications.
Instructions for On-Premises Customers
On-premises customers can start, stop, or restart the following CSM services with the Server Manager:
- Cherwell Application Server
- Cherwell Service Host.
- Trusted Agent Server (if installed and configured)
If using Trusted Agent for security or email operations, restart the Trusted Agent Server first.
- Auto Update Service (if installed).
Use the Server Manager to restart (recycle the application pools for) the following CSM Web Applications:
- CSM Browser Client
- CSM Portal
- Cherwell Web API
To start/stop/restart a CSM service or restart a web application:
- In the Windows™ Start menu, select Cherwell Service Management>Server Manager.
If the Server Manager application does not appear in the above location it may be located under the Cherwell Service Management>Tools menu or there may be a shortcut on your desktop.
- From the Server drop-down list, select a CSM service or web application.
- Select an operation:
- To force a refresh of the service status, double-click the Server Status icon.
- To start a selected CSM service or web application, select the Start Server button.
- To stop a selected CSM service or web application, select the Stop Server button.
- To restart a selected CSM service or web application, select the Restart Server button.
Instructions for SaaS Customers
Although SaaS customers cannot access the Server Manager directly, they can start/stop/restart a CSM service or restart a web application from the Cherwell Self-Service portal:
- Log into
- Select Browse All Services.
- Select Environment Assistance.
- Select Service Restart.
- Complete and submit the Service Restart Request form. The restart will begin immediately and cannot be canceled after submission.
Any user authorized to submit support incidents through the Cherwell Self-Service Portal can make these service restart requests. Authorized users can stop/start/restart the following services from the Cherwell Self-Service Portal:
- All CSM Web Applications
- Cherwell API Service
- Cherwell Application Server
- Automation Process Service
- Email and Event Monitor Service
- Mail Delivery Services
- CSM Portal
- System Event Processing Service
- CSM Browser Client