Start/Stop/Restart a CSM Server, or Restart a Web Application from the Server Manager

Use the Server Manager to stop, start, or restart CSM services and CSM Web Applications.

Instructions for On-Premises Customers

On-premises customers can start, stop, or restart the following CSM services with the Server Manager:

  • Cherwell Application Server
  • Cherwell Service Host.
  • Trusted Agent Server (if installed and configured)

    If using Trusted Agent for security or email operations, restart the Trusted Agent Server first.

  • Auto Update Service (if installed).

Use the Server Manager to restart (recycle the application pools for) the following CSM Web Applications:

  • CSM Browser Client
  • CSM Portal
  • Cherwell Web API

To start/stop/restart a CSM service or restart a web application:

  1. In the Windows™ Start menu, select Cherwell Service Management>Server Manager.

    If the Server Manager application does not appear in the above location it may be located under the Cherwell Service Management>Tools menu or there may be a shortcut on your desktop.

  2. From the Server drop-down list, select a CSM service or web application.
  3. Select an operation:
    • To force a refresh of the service status, double-click the Server Status icon.
    • To start a selected CSM service or web application, select the Start Server button.
    • To stop a selected CSM service or web application, select the Stop Server button.
    • To restart a selected CSM service or web application, select the Restart Server button.

Instructions for SaaS Customers

Although SaaS customers cannot access the Server Manager directly, they can start/stop/restart a CSM service or restart a web application from the Cherwell Self-Service portal:

  1. Log into
  2. Select Browse All Services.
  3. Select Environment Assistance.
  4. Select Service Restart.
  5. Complete and submit the Service Restart Request form. The restart will begin immediately and cannot be canceled after submission.

Any user authorized to submit support incidents through the Cherwell Self-Service Portal can make these service restart requests. Authorized users can stop/start/restart the following services from the Cherwell Self-Service Portal:

  • All CSM Web Applications
  • Cherwell API Service
  • Cherwell Application Server
  • Automation Process Service
  • Email and Event Monitor Service
  • Mail Delivery Services
  • CSM Portal
  • System Event Processing Service
  • CSM Browser Client