About the Cherwell Outlook Add-In
The CSM Outlook® Add-In is a CSM client that enables you to interact with CSM Business Object Records directly from within Microsoft® Outlook®. Use the Add-In to:
- Automatically link incoming e-mails to CSM Business Object Records.
- Quick view or go to CSM Business Object Records.
- Execute Actions (example: One-Step Actions™) against records.
- Capture and track e-mail correspondence in Journal - Mail History Records.
- Create new records.
- Insert Attachments and links to records into outgoing e-mails.
The Cherwell Outlook Add-In involves a quick installation and minimal setup to integrate with CSM so that CSM can begin interacting with Business Object Records directly from Outlook. The way the Add-In behaves, including which Business Objects that can link e-mails to, is determined by an Outlook Integration Configuration (set up in CSM Administrator).
Using the Cherwell Outlook Add-In consumes one CSM concurrent license. If the Add-In is installed, the license is taken while Outlook is running. However, if both the Cherwell Outlook Add-In and the CSM Desktop Client and/or the CSM Browser Client are used, only a single license is used.