Send an Email from within CSM
Use the Email Message window to create and send emails directly from within CSM.
To send emails, an email account must be set up. Users who have email security rights can personalize and use a global email account (configured by an administrator) to send emails. Also configure a personal email account for special circumstances, such as sending email from home or an off-site location.
To send an email:
- Do one of the following:
- To send an email from anywhere in the system, select File > Send E-mail in the CSM Desktop Client or select E-mail > Send E-mail in the CSM Browser Client.
- To send an email from the current Business Object Record, select File > E-mail Current Customer in the Desktop Client or E-mail > Send E-mail in the Browser Client.
If Communication tab in the Related Items pane.
is enabled for the Business Object, you can send an email directly from the
- In the Send Via drop-down list, select the email account to send the message from.
This is automatically set to the default email account. The default account is set in CSM Administrator, or by the user if the user has security rights.
- Select a From Address. If this field is not visible and you want to make a selection, select the control visible fields drop-down list and select From Field.
This is automatically set to the default From Address defined for the account used to send the email. If using a global email account, the From Settings were defined by an administrator when configuring global email accounts. Users who have email security rights can customize the options for From Addresses in a global email account.. If the user is using a personal email account, the options for From Addresses are defined when configuring the account.
- If the system administrator configured more than one From Address, select one in the drop-down list on the From line.
- If allowed to enter an arbitrary From Address, provide an address in the From line or select the From button to open the address book and select an address.
The email system might reject emails from arbitrary addresses.
- Select the To, Cc, or Bcc buttons to open the address book and select email recipients. The Bcc line is only available in the Desktop Client.
- E-mail Current Customer: If selected and CSM can identify a customer's email address from the current page (example: From an Incident Record), then the To line is automatically populated with that address.
If CSM cannot find a customer's email address, it returns an error message: Customer email address was not found. Ensure the email from a record that has an active customer is being sent. If it does and an error is still received, see an administrator.
- E-mail all members of a Team: Select the team from the Address Book or provide team:name, where name is the name of the team, or Customer Workgroup by typing workgroup:name.
- E-mail Current Customer: If selected and CSM can identify a customer's email address from the current page (example: From an Incident Record), then the To line is automatically populated with that address.
- Provide a subject for the email.
- Compose the message and format it using the email message toolbars.
- Select Attachment Options for attaching files, links, etc. to emails.
- Customize where to store email.
- Select Send.
If the Esc key is pressed at any point during the message creation, an email message opens. Select OK to abandon and delete the message.