Run a One-Step™ Action from the One-Step Action Manager

From the One-Step Action Manager in the CSM Desktop Client, you can run One-Step Actions against groups, single records, or predefined Saved Searches.

You can also access the One-Step Action Manager in the CSM Browser Client to run One-Step Actions against single records or multiple records (Search Results Grids only).

You cannot run One-Step Actions in CSM Administrator. When accessing One-Step Actions in CSM Administrator, it is primarily to create, edit, or delete them for Users and/or to add them to various areas within CSM (example: Business Object Forms, Dashboards, and Automation Processes).

To run a One-Step Action that is associated with a particular Business Object (example: Incident), the same type of record must be active (open or selected in a Grid). If the active record is from a different Business Object than the One-Step Action that is trying to run, you will receive an error.

To run a One-Step Action from the One-Step Action Manager:

  1. Open the One-Step Action Manager.
  2. Select a scope and subfolder (if needed).
  3. Select a Business Object association, if applicable.

  4. Run the One-Step Action:
    • Against the active record:
      • Select the Run button on the One-Step Action Manager toolbar.
      • Select File > Run from the menu bar (CSM Desktop Client only).
      • Double-click the One-Step Action.
    • Against a selection of records in the CSM Browser Client (Search Results Grid only):
      • Select the Run button on the One-Step Action Manager toolbar.
      • Double-click the One-Step Action.

      When running a One-Step Action on multiple records, a pop-up window displays the Business Object publicID of each record as it is processed by the Action. If you cancel the One-Step Action before it completes, the Action processes the current record and then terminates. Once the One-Step Action is complete, you may need to refresh the screen to see the updates in the Grid.

    • Against a group of records in the CSM Desktop Client:
      • Select the Run for Currently Open Group button Run Group Icon on the One-Step Action Manager toolbar.
      • Select File > Run for Group from the menu bar.

      This runs the One-Step Action against the active group of records that the group the open record belongs to, or the group of records shown in a Grid.

      You can configure a One-Step Action to run against a specific Saved Search. In this case, the One-Step Action runs against the defined group of records, regardless of the client used to run the One-Step Action.