Adding Calculated Fields from the Report Manager
To add a Calculated Field using the Report Manager:
- Open the Report Manager.
- Select a Report, right-click, and then select Edit Report Properties.
- Click Calculated Fields.
- Follow these steps:
- Click Add.
- Specify a Name for the Calculated Field. Note that names cannot contain spaces.
- Select the Business Object to associate with the Calculated Field.
- From the Data Type drop-down list, select one of the four data types recognized by the Report Designer:
- Date/Time:
A Date/Time data type allows you to build an Expression to perform date/time calculations (example: Calculate a fifteen minute warning for an SLA).
- Logical:
A Logical data type allows you to build an Expression to use one or more conditions to return a true or false value (example: Incident.Status does not equal Closed).
- Number:
A Number data type allows you to build an Expression to perform mathematical calculations using a string of Fields and mathematical symbols (example: Calculate the total cost of a Labor Cost Item by multiplying the work hours by the monetary rate).
- Text:
A Text data type allows you to build an Expression to display a string of Tokens and text (example: Return either "Open" or "Closed," depending on the status of a record).
- Date/Time:
- Select the Expression:
- Stored Expression:
Click the Ellipses button to select an existing Cherwell Expression. See Expressions for more on Expressions.
- Custom Expression:
Click the Expression button to create a custom Expression. For more information, see the Define Expression topic for the Data Type selected:
- Stored Expression: