Create Custom Chart Widget Color Palettes
Chart widget color palettes are visible in CSM Desktop Client and CSM Browser Client dashboards.
Edit Color Palettes
All chart widget color palettes in the Color Palette Manager can be modified, copied, or deleted.
To edit a color palette:
- In CSM Administrator, select Create a new Blueprint.
Select Managers > Dashboards > Color Palette Manager.
The Color Palette Manager opens.
- In the Color Palette Manager, select a default color palette (example: Berry).
Select Edit.
The Color Palette Editor opens. Color properties for the default color palette display in the left pane, and sample widgets display in the main pane.
You may need to expand the left pane by dragging its border to the right in order to view the color properties.
Select a default Color Field.
The Color Selector opens. Default colors are listed by name, but a standard RGB color picker is also available for custom colors.
- Select a New Color to add to the default color palette (example: Sienna).
- (Optional): Repeat steps 5-6.
- Select Save.
- Publish the Blueprint. See Publish a Blueprint.
Create Custom Color Palettes
Create custom chart widget color palettes to align with corporate colors, or to differentiate between departments.
To create a custom color palette:
- In CSM Administrator, select Create a new Blueprint.
Select Managers > Dashboards > Color Palette Manager.
The Color Palette Manager opens.
- Select New.
Provide a name for the color palette and select OK.
The Color Palette Editor opens, displaying the default bright color palette in the 16 color fields.
You may need to expand the left pane by dragging its border to the right in order to view the color properties.
The bright color palette is not visible in the Color Palette Manager. However, it is the default color palette if none are chosen and the default colors for new, custom color palettes.
Select a Color Field.
The Color Selector opens. Default colors are listed by name, but a standard RGB color picker is also available for custom colors.
Select a Color.
The field is completed with the name or RGB code of the selected color (example: Magenta or Custom RGB 255, 192, 64, 0).
- Repeat Steps 4-6 for up to 16 colors.
If fewer than 16 colors are desired, change a sample color to Transparent.
- Select Save.
- Publish the Blueprint. See Publish a Blueprint.
Change Color Palettes
Make limited changes and switch color palettes from a dashboard.
To switch color palettes from the Desktop Client:
- In CSM Desktop Client, from the toolbar, select Dashboards > Color Palette Manager.
- Select a color palette.
Select OK.
The dashboard color palette updates.
If changes are not visible, select Help > Reload definitions from the toolbar. If changes are still not visible, ensure that the Blueprint was published.