Define X-Axis Sorting Options for a Chart Widget
Use the X-Axis Sorting page (accessed from within the Chart Widget Properties window) to define how to sort values on the x-axis of a chart widget.
To define x-axis sorting options for a chart widget:
- Create a Widget
- In the Type menu, select Chart.
- Select the x-axis Sorting page.
- Define the sort order:
- Ascending (example: 0-10, A-Z)
- Descending (example: 10-0, Z-A)
- Define the sorting method:
- Sort Based on X-Axis Type: Select this radio button to sort x-axis values based on the x-value of each point (example: If the x-axis field is a number, the points are sorted in numerical order).
- Sort Based on X-Axis Labels: Select this radio button to sort x-axis values in alphabetical order based on the labels of the x-axis points.
- Use Query Sorting: Select this radio button to sort x-axis values based on the query properties defined in the series criteria (the search query used to retrieve data). Because sorting is done as part of the query, results are based on the table field type being sorted. This only applies to single series charts to avoid sort order conflicts between two series.
- Sort by Y Value: Select this radio button to sort x-axis values based on their corresponding y values. You can select a number by which to limit the results and show either the top N results or the bottom N results.
This option is only available for charts with single, non-grouped series.
- Sort by Lookup Value: Select this radio button to sort x-axis values using values from a Lookup Table and fields. The Lookup Table is selected in the specific x-axis settings for the chart series. The Lookup Target field type (example: Text, Date/Time, Number) is based on the target field selected in the specific x-axis settings for the chart series.
If no specific x-axis sorting settings are defined for a series, the raw x-values are used (same as when sorting based on x-axis type). Sorting is based on the type of sort fields (example: Text, Number, etc.), and the sort field types for each series must match.
Select OK.