Select Allowed File Attachment Types for Attachments
Use the Select File Types window to select the types of files to include or exclude as Attachments.
To select allowed file types for Attachments:
- Open the Security Group Manager (CSM Administrator>Security>Edit Security Groups).
The Manager lists the existing Security Groups.
- Select a Security Group.
- Click the File Attachments tab.
- Select the Override system defaults for attachments check box.
- Select the Only allow files with the following extensions radio button to limit the allowed Attachment file types.
Select the Allow files with any extension except radio button to exclude certain file types from being Attachments.
- Click the Select file types button .
The Select File Types window opens.
If you selected to only allow certain file types, the Allowed File Types window opens. If you selected to exclude certain file types, the File Types to Prohibit window opens. Both windows appear and function the same; however, one will allow certain file types while the other prohibits their use.
- Select or clear the File types check boxes to add or remove file types to/from the list. Beneath the File Types list is the file extension(s) included in the file type (ex: Adobe Photoshop Files have .psd file extensions).
File extensions are automatically added or removed from the File Extensions list at the bottom of the window as you select/clear file types. You can also type the file extensions directly into this File Extensions list.
- Click the Reset to Default button to reset the file types to Cherwell defaults.
- Click the Uncheck all file types button to clear all file type selections.
- Click the Check all files types button to select all file types.
Select OK.