Health Check Command-Line Options

Use the Command-Line Configure (CLC) /healthcheck commands to run the Health Check tool via Command-Line Configuration (CLC) and monitor and optimize system configurations that impact performance.

You can run the /healthcheck commands in the following modes:

  • Full (default): Runs selected rules, shows a summary on the console, and produces an HTML report to the specified file. If no file is specified, a default HealthCheck.html report is saved to the documents folder of the currently logged in CSM user.
  • Silent: Produces no report. A default warning level of Low is used. However, you can optionally set a higher warning level (such as, Urgent). If no warnings are found, a result of 0 (success) is returned. If the Health Check finds warnings, a value of 1 (failure) is returned.
    • If you require a report, do not use silent mode. Silent mode ignores /reportfilesavepath or /reportfilename parameters.
    • The /warninglevel parameter only works in silent mode. It provides a failure measure for silent mode, specifically.

When running the /healthcheck commands, you can optionally run all Health Check rules, or run a specified set of rules. You can optionally run multiple lines in a single call.


Example: Run the Health Check tool with all rules and provide a default report

The following example runs a Health Check against a Cherwell database, based on the provided connection information. On completion, a default report called HealthCheck.html is saved to the Documents folder of the currently logged in CSM user (the default save location). No rules are specified; consequently all rules available in the system are run.

/healthcheck /connection="[Common]Cherwell Browser" /connectionuserid="CSDAdmin" /connectionpassword="CSDAdmin"

Example: Run the Health Check tool with specific rules and provide a unique report

The following example runs a Health Check against a Cherwell database, based on the provided connection information. On completion, a report called HealthCheckReport.html is saved to the specified C:/dev folder. The example runs generic rules (as CSM Administrator does) and the specified Mismatched Def IDs and Missing Index Rule rules.

/healthcheck /connection="[Common]Cherwell Browser" /connectionuserid="CSDAdmin" /connectionpassword="CSDAdmin" /reportfilename="HealthCheckReport" /reportfilesavepath="C:/dev" /rules="mismatcheddefids, missingindexrule"

Example: Run the Health Check in silent mode with a warning level of Urgent

The following example runs a Health Check in silent mode (No report is produced). No rules are specified, consequently all rules available in the system are run. If no issues with the specified warning level of Urgent or higher are found, a result of 0 (success) is returned. If one or more issues with the specified warning level of Urgent or higher are found, a result of 1 (failure) is returned.

/healthcheck /connection="[Common]Cherwell Browser" /connectionuserid="CSDAdmin" /connectionpassword="CSDAdmin" /silent="true" /warninglevel="urgent"

Sub-command Description


The name of the CSM connection.

Accepted values: string


The CSM user ID for the requested server.

Accepted values: string


The CSM user password with which to log in.

Accepted values: string


Specifies the rules for each run of the Health Check tool. Enter a comma delimited list (example: "rule 1, rule2, etc.").

If you provide no rules, or if /rules is not specified, all rules available in the system are run. The available rules are:

  • missingnativerestapiclients (Missing Native REST API Clients)
  • runtimeperformancewarnings (Runtime Performance Warnings)
  • foreignkeyconfiguration (Foreign key configuration)
  • checkcanonicalcompliance (Check Canonical Compliance)
  • outofdateindexstatistics (Out of date Index Statistics)
  • checkbusinessobjectsforconsistency (Check Business Objects for consistency)
  • mismatcheddefids (Mismatched Def IDs)
  • businessobjectcachablecheck (Business Object Cachable Check)
  • missingindexrule (Missing Index Rule)

You can enter rules using any case. Spaces are ignored. For example, you can specify the mismatcheddefids rule as "Mismatched Def IDs".


Used with /warninglevel below.

Runs the Health Check tool in silent mode. No report file is created. The run returns either 0 for success, or 1 for failure.


Used with /silent above.

Specifies the warning level for each run of the Health Check tool in silent mode.

The silent Health Check is run for the specified warning level and all levels higher than it (excluding Error which only applies under certain circumstances). For example, if you specify a warning level of Medium and the Health Check finds no medium impact but an Urgent warning is found, a result of 1 (failure) is still returned.

If you do not provide a warning level, a default level of Low is used. The available warning levels (listed from low to high) are:

  • Low: Low impact on system health. Some low priority recommendations to consider.
  • Medium: Some impact on system health. Some medium priority recommendations to consider.
  • Urgent: Major impact on system health. Some urgent priority recommendations to consider.
  • Error: Only used when a Health Check rule is run before publishing a Blueprint. Impact is major enough to recommend not publishing the Blueprint.

Default: Low


Specifies the location to which the Health Check report is saved.

If you do not provide a save location, a default location of the Documents folder for the logged in CSM user is used.

Default: Documents folder for the logged in CSM user


Specifies the file name for the Health Check report.

If you do not provide a file name, a default file name of HealthCheck.html is used.

Default: HealthCheck

Do not include the file extension in the specified file name. For example, enter health_report_1. Do not enter health_report_1.html.


Example: Convert the Health Check results into a Blueprint

The following example shows the filepath to the Health_Check_Results.html input file containing results to convert into a Blueprint. Also shown is the filepath to where the export file for the resulting Blueprint is created.

/healthcheckblueprint /connection="[Common]Cherwell Browser" /connectionuserid="CSDAdmin" /connectionpassword="CSDAdmin" /inputpath="C:/Users/Username/Desktop/Health_Check_Results.html" /exportpath="C:/Users/Username/Desktop"

Sub-command Description


The name of the CSM connection.

Accepted values: string


The CSM user ID for the requested server.

Accepted values: string


The CSM user password with which to log in.

Accepted values: string


The filepath to the .html input file containing Health Check results to convert into a Blueprint.


The filepath to the location in which the resulting Blueprint is created.

This must be a valid filepath that does not already exist.