App Distribution Deployment Status

Use the App distribution > Deployment status page to view charts summarizing deployment compliance, along with a complete list showing all apps and all devices targeted by an app. This page is updated dynamically as targeted devices update their status.

Deployment status page showing charts and data

Apps can have these deployment states:

  • Compliant: The app was detected as previously installed, or the install succeeded.
  • Pending: The app will be installed the next time the device checks in (by default every four hours), or the installation is in progress.
  • Not compliant: The installation failed.

Use the options menu ( ) on the right to view a deployment log summary and a list of apps assigned to that device in JSON format. The log summary shows the status message from the final package action, either the last defined action or the one that caused the package to stop installing. If you want to see the result for other actions, view the log on the device. For more information, see Detection rule and action logging.

This menu also includes a Retry option. An app that fails to install successfully will be retried three times. The retry option resets that counter for that app on that device and happens immediately if the device is available.

Devices on the Deployment status page that have been targeted for an app but that do not show any apps installed in the Application column will show a Sync menu option instead of Retry. Selecting Sync will make that device check for all app updates. A sync in this case can help resolve issues that the app distribution engine on the device may be experiencing.

Additional tips:

  • To see what apps have been assigned to a device, select it in the Devices main menu, then select Software and the Assigned apps tab.
  • Export deployment status entries to a .csv file by selecting the ones you want and then selecting the Export button.
  • The Version column shows the package version for the app.