SNMP is a discovery technology that works by using an agentless discovery device which has the SNMP configuration applied. The configuration comprises of the credentials, port, retries and time to wait for response. The agent sends out SNMP GET queries using Object Identifiers (OIDs) to devices based on previously discovered device IP address information. OIDs uniquely identify managed objects in a MIB hierarchy defined by an organization or vendor. Ivanti Neurons SNMP queries a default list of OIDs, which you can add to in the Custom OIDs section.

For further information on Object Identifiers (OIDs) see

  • Credentials
  • Port: Enter the UDP port number, the default is 161.
  • Retries: Enter the number of retry attempts. The default is 3, the maximum is 5.
  • Wait for response (seconds): Enter the number of seconds to wait before retrying. The default is 2.
    If the SNMP discovery fails it will automatically retry again every 24 hours.
  • Custom OIDs
  • Add custom Object Identifiers (OIDs) to retrieve unique device data.

    The scan results can be seen in Devices: Ivanti Neurons Platform > Devices > Device > Details.

The Ivanti Neurons Agent must successfully check-in before these settings, or any changes you have made, will take effect.

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