ServiceNow Incident (Create or Update)
Use this stage to create or update an incident in ServiceNow. When the stage runs against all target devices, it detects if an incident has been raised for the issue for each device; this avoids duplicate incidents being created.
Stage Settings
From the bot editor, drag the ServiceNow Incident stage onto the work area. The Stage settings panel appears. The fields in the Stage settings are updated dynamically from the default ServiceNow form. This includes determining the mandatory fields. All options in drop-down fields are based on context.
Select Credential- Select the credential from the drop-down menu. Before you select credentials, you must set up the ServiceNow Connector with action credentials in Connectors to display the credentials in the drop-down menu.
Go to the Ivanti Neurons main menu and select Admin > Connectors. The Connectors page appears.
Select Add connector.
On the Available Connectors page, you can search and select ServiceNow to integrate. See the ServiceNow connector for further details. After you select the valid credential, the following fields appear.
Relationship- You must select any one of the options when you run a bot against a group of devices:
One ticket per device: You can create a separate ticket for each device.
One ticket for all devices: You can create a single ticket and link all the devices in that ticket.
Create new options- You must select any one option:
Only create a new ticket if the previous one is closed/resolved.
Always create new ticket.
Use existing ticket id: When you select this option, you get two new fields: one Incident Number field and another No corresponding ticket found- behavior field. In the Incident Number field, insert the TicketID value. Before you insert the value, you must create the value in the Define inputs tab. On the other hand, in the No corresponding ticket found- behavior field, you must select Create new or Throw Error to specify the behavior if it fails to find the corresponding incident number.
Link CI to incident- This button activates when you select One ticket per device in the Relationship field. CI is known as a device in Bots; this Link CI to incident button helps to link the ticket to the device. The following fields populate on the ServiceNow ticket. These fields are optional except for the short description field.
Assigned to- Select from the Survey Insights Data to whom you assigned.
Assignment group- Select from the Survey Insights Data to which group you would like to assign.
Opened- Select Custom value or Date now to specify the duration time for the ticket to be opened.
Incident state- Select the state from the drop-down menu; it defines the status of the incident ticket.
Caller- You can select the reference from the Survey Insights Data.
Impact- Select the impact of the incident from the drop-down menu.
Urgency- Select the urgency of the incident from the drop-down menu.
Priority- Select the priority of the incident from the drop-down menu.
Short description- Insert the short description value. Before you insert the value, you must create the value in the Define inputs.
Description- Insert the description value.
Work notes- Insert work notes value.
Additional comments- Insert additional comments value.
Closed- Select Custom value or Date now to set the duration time for the ticket to be closed.
Resolution code- Select the resolution code for the ticket from the drop-down menu.
Resolution notes- Insert resolution note value.
Resolved by- You can select the reference from the Survey Insights Data.