Retrying Failures, Approving Releases, and Publishing Versions

This page describes how to retry failed product publications, approve new product releases, and how to publish a specific version to Intune.

How to Retry Publication Failures

When receiving a Failed status upon attempting to manage products, you can retry to publish it by following these steps:

  1. Select the product(s) that failed.
  2. Select Retry.
    This button is disabled if you select products that have not failed.
  3. Review the list of selected products.
  4. Select Retry.

If successful, the count on the Failed Publications tile is decremented.

How to Approve New Releases

When managing products, you can choose to require manual approval when a new version of the product becomes available. New product versions are viewed by selecting the New Versions tile.

There are two methods to approve or reject a new product version:

  • In the Alert column, select New version available, review the details and then select either Approve or Reject.
  • On the Products tab, select the check box for the product. To approve the latest new version, select Approve release.
    To reject the latest version, select the drop-down selector next to the Approve release button and select Reject.
    This button is disabled if you select a product that does not require a new version.

If successful, the count on the New Versions tile is decremented.

How to Publish a Specific Version

In addition to managing products, you can also publish a specific version of a product to Intune. This is particularly useful for unmanaged products, but you can also use it to publish a specific version of a managed product that requires approval.

To publish a specific version:

  1. On the Products tab, select the required product.
    The product page appears.
  2. Click actions button in the Actions column for the version you want to publish, then click Publish version.
    The Publish Version dialog appears.
  3. Complete the panel as required (for details, see Managing Products), then click Publish.
    The version is published to Intune.