Deleting a Dashboard

Any Dashboard on the list of Available Dashboards can be deleted. If you want to backup the Dashboard before you delete it, you can use the Export command to save a copy of the Dashboard. This allows you to add it back to GoldMine at a later date using the Import command. For more information, see Import and Export Dashboards.

NOTE: A user must be defined as a Master user to delete an existing Dashboard (see Using the User QuickStart Wizard).

To Delete a Dashboard

1. Click the Dashboards button on the Navigation Pane.
2. Expand the Available Dashboards tree to locate the desired Dashboard.
3. Select the Dashboard from the tree to view the Dashboard.
4. Click the Design button to switch to the Dashboard Designer.
5. Click the Delete button on the Dashboard toolbar.
6. Click Yes to delete the current Dashboard, or No to cancel.