Available Reports

Using the Reports module you can generate the following reports. All reports are available as both HTML and CSV.

Device Control



User Permissions

Generates a report of the permission rules defined for each user or user group that you specify.

Device Permissions

Generates a report of all permissions rules assigned to the devices defined in the Device Explorer module.

Computer Permissions

Generates a report of the permissions rules defined for specific computers.

Media by Users

Generates a report of the permissions rules defined for users, classified by medium.

Users by Medium

Generates a report of the permissions rules defined for removable media, classified by user.

Shadowing by Device

Generates a report summary of file data copied or read by users, for a specified date range.

Shadowing by User

Generates a report summary of file data copied or read by users of removable storage devices, classified by device class.

Application Control



File Groups by User

Generates a report of file groups directly or indirectly associated with the user or user group you specify.

User by File Group

Creates a report of every user and user group associated, directly or indirectly, with every file group defined in the system.

User Options

Displays current user option settings that determine which activities are logged and whether users are allowed to locally authorize denied executables, scripts, and macros.

Reports for both Device Control and Application Control



Machine Options

Generates a report of current computer option settings.

Client Status

Generates a report of the hardening options, client version, and log and file policy status.

Server Settings

Shows options, registry values, and settings for installed Application Servers.

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