Endpoints with Nested Classes

The Endpoint Security REST API v2 includes endpoints where the Model Schema contains nested classes. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, this cannot be documented in the current implementation of Swagger.
Below is the reference description of these API endpoints.

For API endpoints that are not listed below, please refer to Swagger for further details.

Stringified JSON

The code samples below are indicative for the data that must be provided. The actual body of the POST must be stringified JSON.
So if the provided sample is:


Name: "Test",
JobType: 1,
StartTime: "2022-03-03T11:30:00.000Z",

RangeIpTargets:[{StartIp: "", EndIP: ""}]



The actual body will be:


"value" : "{

Name: \"Test\",
JobType: 1,
StartTime: \"2022-03-03T11:30:00.000Z\",

RangeIpTargets:[{StartIp: \"\", EndIP: \"\"}]




API Reference