Adding Packages

You can create a new package or add an existing package to a patch, depending on your requirements. After adding a package, define its properties.

Adding a New Package

You can add a new package to the patch from the Package Summary page. After you add the new fingerprint, define its properties in the Package Properties page.

  1. Expand the patch properties to Package in the left pane.
    Example: New Patch > Signatures > New Signature > Package.
    The Package Summary page opens.
  2. Click New.
    The Package Properties page opens.
  3. Modify the package name in the Title field.
  4. For more information on properties and controls on the Package Properties page, refer to The Package Properties Page.

  5. Enter a hyperlink to a web page containing further information about the package in the Hyperlink field.
  6. Select the operating system(s) to which the package applies in the OS list.
  7. Tip: You must select at least one operating system in order save any changes.

  8. [Optional] Enable a file backup.
    1. Select the Backup files before replacing check box.
      The accompanying field becomes available.
    2. Specify the backup directory location in the accompanying field.
  9. [Optional] To require the display and acceptance of a license agreement before installing the package.

    1. Select the Deployment requires acceptance of this license agreement check box.
      The accompanying field becomes available.
    2. Type a description in the accompanying field.
  10. Type a description of the package in the Description field.
  11. To enable the package to be deployed, ensure the Make this package available for rollout check box is selected.
    The check box is checked by default when a new package is created.
  12. [Optional] To make the package read only, select the Make this package Read Only check box.
  13. Select File > Save.
    A new package is created.

After Completing This Task:

After creating a package, you need to add content to it. For more information, see Adding Content to a Package.

Adding an Existing Package

If you want to add an existing package to a patch, you can do so from the Package Summary page. You can add only user-created patches.

  1. Expand the patch properties to Package in the left pane.
    Example: New Patch > Signatures > Signature Title > Package.
    The Package Summary page opens.
  2. Click Open.
    Open is available only if there is no existing package. You can only add one existing package to a signature.
    The Add Associated Package page opens.
  3. Type a package name in the Search field.
  4. Click Search.
    The packages corresponding to the search term appear in the Add Associated Package window.
  5. Select a package.
  6. Click OK.
    The Add Associated Package window closes and the package displays in the Package Summary page.

The selected existing package is added.

You cannot add a package to a patch if it is already included in an existing patch.