Installing the Ivanti Content Wizard Server

The Ivanti Content Wizard server component is installed on the Ivanti Endpoint Security server. The server component is installed before the client component.


  • Verify that you satisfy the minimum hardware. For more information, see Minimum Hardware Requirements.
  • Verify that your operating system is supported. For more information, see Supported Environments.
  • Install the Ivanti Endpoint Security (Endpoint Security) server and verify that you can connect to it.
  • The Ivanti Content Wizard (Content Wizard) requires that the Patch and Remediation module be installed.
  • Administrative rights on the Endpoint Security server where you are installing the Content Wizard server component.
  • Verify the computer where you are installing the Content Wizard server component is configured with English (United States) as the language parameter.
  • You must be licensed for the Content Wizard. Refer to Verifying Your Ivanti Content Wizard License.
  • Download the most current version of the Content Wizard installer from the Endpoint Security Downloads page on the Ivanti Community.
  1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the most current version of the Content Wizard installer and open the HCWServer.msi.
  2. Open the installation file.
    The Ivanti Content Wizard Server Setup Wizard opens.
  3. Click Next.
    The License Agreement page opens.
  4. Accept the terms of the license agreement if you wish to proceed with the installation process.
    1. Select I accept the terms in the License Agreement.
    2. Click Next.
      The Ready to install page opens.
  5. Click Install.
    The Ivanti Content Wizard Server page opens and the Status bar shows the installation progress.
  6. When installation completes, click Next.
    The Installation Complete page opens.
  7. Click Finish.
    The Ivanti Content Wizard Server Setup Wizard closes.

The Ivanti Content Wizard server component is installed.

After Completing This Task:

Install the Ivanti Content Wizard client component. Refer to Installing the Ivanti Content Wizard Client.