The Deployments and Tasks View

The Deployments and Tasks view is similar to the Deployments and Tasks page because it lists pending, active, and completed deployments or tasks. However, unlike the Deployments and Tasks page (which lists all deployments), this view only lists the deployments that apply to the selected group. Additionally, you can use this view to manage and create deployments.

This view does not display the deployments and tasks for each member; only the group’s assigned deployments.

The Deployments and Tasks View Toolbar

This toolbar contains buttons that offer functionality related to the management and creation of deployments. Selection of list items associated with deployments may be necessary to use some buttons.

The following table describes the Deployments and Tasks view toolbar.




Enables the selected disabled deployment or task. For additional information, refer to Enabling Group Deployments.


Disables the selected enabled deployment or tasks. For additional information, refer to Deleting Group Deployments.


Cancels the selected deployment or tasks for any endpoints that are yet to receive the deployment. For additional information, refer to Aborting Group Deployments.


Removes the deployment or tasks from Ivanti Patch and Remediation. For additional information, refer to Deleting Group Deployments.


Deploys the selected packages. For additional information, refer to Deploying Content (Deployments and Tasks View).


Exports the page data to a comma-separated value (.csv) file. For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.

Important: The Enhanced Security Configuration feature for Internet Explorer suppresses export functionality and must be disabled to export data successfully. Pop- up blockers in Internet Explorer or other supported browsers may also suppress export functionality and should be disabled.



Opens the Options menu. For additional information, refer to The Options Menu.

The Deployments and Tasks View List

This list itemizes all deployments and deployment details applicable to the selected group.

View the Deployments and Tasks View list from the Groups page. The following table describes each Deployments and Tasks View list columns.






The name of the deployment.

Scheduled Date


The date and time the deployment was created.

Number of Successful Endpoints

The total number of endpoints and groups that finished the deployment successfully.

Number of Failed Endpoints

The total number of endpoints and groups that finished the deployment unsuccessfully.

Number of Endpoints Assigned to the Deployment

The total number of endpoints and groups that are assigned to the deployment.

Number of In Progress Endpoints

The total number of endpoints and groups that are receiving the deployment.

If you deploy to a group using Agent Local Time, the deployment remains in progress until all time zones have passed. This behavior ensures any endpoints added to the group following deployment start also receive content. This behavior does not occur when using Agent UTC Time.

Total Not Deployed

The total number of endpoints and groups that were excluded from the deployment (because the package was already applied, not applicable, or marked Do Not Patch).

Number of Endpoints That Have Completed the Deployment

The total number of endpoints and groups that finished the deployment.

The Percentage of Completed Endpoints

The percentage of endpoints and groups that finished the deployment. Percentage = [Total Finished endpoints / Total Assigned endpoints]

Enabling Group Deployments

Within Ivanti Patch and Remediation, you can re-enable paused, group-specific deployments from the Deployments and Tasks view.

Enable group deployments from the Deployments and Tasks view, not the Deployments and Tasks page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Deployments and Tasks.
  3. From the directory tree, select the group containing the deployment you want to enable.
  4. Select the select the check box associated with the disabled deployment you want to enable.
  5. Click Enable.
    The selected deployment is enabled.

Disabling Group Deployments

Within Ivanti Endpoint Security, you can pause group-specific deployments from the Deployments and Tasks view.

Disable group deployments from the Deployments and Tasks view, not the Deployments and Tasks page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Deployments and Tasks.
  3. From the directory tree, select the group containing the deployment you to disable.
  4. Select the deployment you want to disable.
  5. Click Disable.
    The selected deployment is disabled.

Aborting Group Deployments

Within Ivanti Endpoint Security, you can abort group-specific deployments from the Deployments and Tasks view.

Abort group deployments from the Deployments and Tasks view, not the Deployments and Tasks page.

The endpoints that have already received the deployment will not be affected. Only the endpoints that have not yet received the deployment will have the deployment aborted.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Deployments and Tasks.
  3. From the directory tree, select the group containing the deployment you want to abort.
  4. Select the check box associated with the deployment you want to abort.
  5. Click Abort.
    The selected deployment is aborted.

    You cannot abort system tasks or Mandatory Baseline deployments.

Deleting Group Deployments

Within Ivanti Endpoint Security, you can delete group-specific deployments from the Deployments and Tasks view.

Delete group deployments from the Deployments and Tasks view, not the Deployments and Tasks page.

Deleting a deployment will have no effect on endpoints that have already received the deployment. You cannot delete system task deployments.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Deployments and Tasks.
  3. From the directory tree, select the group containing the deployment you want to delete.
  4. Select the check box associated with the deployment you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete.
    The selected deployment is deleted.

Deploying Content (Deployments and Tasks View)

Within Ivanti Endpoint Security, content can be deployed from a number of pages, including the Groups page Deployments and Tasks view.

For additional information, refer to About Deployments.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Deployments and Tasks.
  3. From the directory tree, select the group deploy content to.
  4. Click Deploy.
    The Deployment Wizard opens.

After Completing This Task:
Review Using the Deployment Wizard and complete subsequent tasks.

Adding Content to a Mandatory Baseline from the Vulnerabilities/Patch Content View

You can add content from a Custom Patch List or any of the other view options.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Groups.
  2. From the View list, select Vulnerabilities/Patch Content.
  3. From the Group Browser, select the desired group.
  4. [Optional] From the Patch Content Browser , select a Custom Patch List (recommended) or any of the view options.

    Tip: A Custom Patch List is an object that you can add patches to and then deploy to your endpoints. These lists are a great way to keep a history of patches you've deployed each Patch Tuesday.

    While creating a Custom Patch List, understand the applicability and impact of deploying these patches to your environment, especially critical machines. When making this assessment, consider:

  5. [Optional] If necessary, designate filter criteria for the desired content and click Update View.
  6. Select the content you want to add to the baseline.
  7. Click Add to Mandatory Baseline.
    Your content is added to the Group's Mandatory Baseline. A window appears with details on the number of new items added and which were existing.
  8. [Optional] Click Set Options to set the individual deployment options for items selected from the Mandatory Baseline view. For additional information, refer to Setting Mandatory Baseline Deployment Options.
    The content is added to the group Mandatory Baseline.

Exporting Deployments View Data

To export information displayed in the Deployments and Tasks view list to a comma separated value (.csv) file, click the toolbar Export button. Exporting data lets you work with that data in other programs for reporting and analytical purposes.

For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.