The Packages Page

You can expand a package's listing on the Package page to view its details.

Viewing Packages

The Packages page lists packages by package name. You can expand the page to view package details.

  1. Select Review > Other > Packages from the navigation menu.
  2. If needed, select filter criteria from the available fields and click Update View.
    The system displays the existing package list in the Packages page.

The Packages Page Toolbar

The toolbar on the Packages page contains buttons that initiate the tasks that you can perform on packages.

The following table describes each toolbar button.




Deletes the package. For more information, refer to Deleting a Package.

Update Cache

Sends a request to the Global Subscription Service to get the latest version of the package. For more information, refer to Updating the Package Cache.


Opens the Package Editor Wizard , allowing you to create custom packages. For more information, refer to Using the Package Editor.


Opens the Package Editor Wizard , allowing you to edit custom packages. For more information, refer to Editing a Package.


Opens the Deployment Wizard , allowing you to deploy content to managed endpoints. For more information, refer to Working With Deployments and Tasks.


Opens a File Download dialog, allowing you to view package details or save them in a comma-separated value (.csv) format. For more information, refer to Exporting Data.


Opens the Options menu. For additional information, refer to The Options Menu.

The Packages Page List

The Package page list contains identification, origin, operating system, and associated deployment information.

The following table describes the column definitions on the Packages page.




Package Status

Indicates the content item package status. For additional information, refer to Content Icons and Descriptions.



Name includes vendor, application, and version information.



The origin of the task or which company created the package.

Operating Systems


The platforms that are supported by the package.

Cache Status


Indicates if the package is cached ( Imported ), in progress ( Pending ), not cached or in progress (column entry is blank).

Cache Date


The date on which the package cache was updated most recently.



The number of times the package has been deployed.

Additionally, you can expand each package by clicking the rotating chevron (>). The following table describes each field that displays when you expand a package.



Package Name

Title of the package.


Point of origin of the package. An origin of Subscription refers to packages downloaded from the Global Subscription Service.


The current status of the package, stating if the package is enabled and ready to be requested from the Global Subscription Service.

Cache Status

The current cache status of the package. A package is considered cached when it has been downloaded from the Global Subscription Service and actually resides on the local server.

Cache Request Status

Indicates if the package has been requested from the Global Subscription Service.

Deployment Availability

Indicates if the package is available for deployment.

OS Platforms

The operating systems and platforms that the package supports and may be deployed to.

Created By Username

The user who created the package. Packages created by Ivanti may have a value of Patchlink Corp. in this field.

Created On

The date and time the package was created.

Last Modified By Username

The user who last modified the package. Packages created by Ivanti may have a value of Patchlink Corp. in this field.

Last Modified On

The date and time of the last change to the package.

Last Created Deployment Date

The date and time a deployment was last created using this package.

More Information

If available, presents a link to detailed package information. This might be an article or other resource from a third-party.

License Information

If available, presents a link to detailed license information.


Narrative description of the distribution package. Also includes links to any relevant Ivanti knowledge base articles.


The package version.

Total Directories in Package

The number of directories contained in the package.

Total Files in Package

The number of files contained in the package.

Compressed Size of Package

The file size of the compressed package (in KB).

Number of Prescripts

The total number of prescripts contained in the package.

Number of Postscripts

The number of postscripts contained in the package.

Number of Command- Line Scripts

The number of command-line scripts contained in the package.

Number of Dependencies

The number of dependencies associated with the distribution package.

Total Deployments Not Started

The number of deployments that have not started.

Total Deployments In Progress

The number of deployments in progress.

Total Deployments Not Deployed

The number of deployments that were not deployed (because the package is not applicable or an endpoint was marked Do Not Patch).

Total Deployments Failed

The number of failed deployments.

Total Deployments Success

The number of successful deployments.

Content Package Icons and Descriptions

Package icons indicate whether a package is cached, deploying, or disabled. The package status icons and their status are classified as follows:







The package is not cached.


The package has been scheduled to be cached or is in the process of being cached.


An error occurred while trying to cache the package.

The package is cached and ready for deployment.

The package is currently deploying (animated icon).

The package is disabled.