Working with Content Items

From the Patch Status page, you can perform tasks related to a specific content item. From the different page tabs, you can perform the following tasks:

View Packages

While viewing the Patch Status page for a content item, you can immediately view that content item's page.

Perform this tasks from any Patch Status page tab.

  1. Select the desired tab:
    • Not Patched
    • Patched
    • Error
    • Detecting
    • Information
  2. Click View Package.
    The Packages page opens, displaying the package for the applicable content item.

Deploying Content

Deploying content items to endpoints is a key function of the Ivanti Patch and Remediation module.

Deployments are initiated by clicking Deploy... and completing the Deployment Wizard. The Deployment Wizard provides step-by-step instructions for defining and distributing security content items to the protected endpoints in the network. For additional information, refer to Working With Deployments and Tasks.

Exporting Content Item Data

When viewing the Patch Status page, you can export the all data displayed for the selected tab to a comma separated value (.csv) file.

For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.